

van Doore, A., Gielens, E., Matthijssen, M., Muis, Q., Peper, B., & Welman, T. (2022). De prijs van sociale interacties: Stigma in de 21e eeuwMens en Maatschappij97(3), 326-329

Hoeven, C.L. ter, Miller, V., Peper, A. & Dulk, L. den (2017). “The work must go on”: The role of communication in the use of work-life policies. Management Communication Quarterly (1-33). DOI: 10.1177/0893318916684980 Download PDF

Den Dulk, L., Peper, B., Kanjuo Mrčela, A., & Ignjatović, M. (2016). Supervisory support in Slovenian and Dutch organizations: a contextualizing approach. Community, Work & Family, 19(2), 193-212. doi: 10.1080/13668803.2015.1134127.  Download PDF

Brummelhuis, L.L. ten, Hoeven, C.L. ter, Jong, M.D.T. de & Peper, A. (2013). Exploring the linkage between the home domain and absence from work: Health, motivation, or both? Journal of Organizational Behavior. Download PDF

Dekker, F.P.S., Veen, R.J. van der & Peper, A. (2012). Herziening van sociale zekerheid: het perspectief van flexwerkers en zelfstandigen. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(3), 297-310.Download PDF

Brummelhuis, L.L. ten, Hoeven, C.L. ter, Bakker, A.B. & Peper, A. (2011). Breaking through the loss cycle of burnout: The role of motivation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84(2), 268-287. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den, Peper, A., Sadar, N.Č, Lewis, S., Smithson, J. & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (2011). Work Family and Managerial Attitudes and Practices in the European Workplace: Comparing Dutch, British and Slovenian Financial Sector Managers. Social Politics, 18(2), 300-329. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2009). Managing work-life policies in the European Workplace: explorations for future research. Working Papers on the Reconciliation of Work and Welfare in Europe. Download PDF

Dikkers, J., Geurts, S., Dulk, L. den, Peper, A., Taris, T.W. & Kompier, M. (2007). Dimensions of work-home culture and their relations with the use of work-home arrangements and work-home interaction. Work and Stress, 21(2), 155-172. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2007). Working Parents’ Use of Work-Life Policies. Sociologia. Problemas e Praticas, 53, 51-70. Download PDF

Peper, B., & Rijpers, Y. (2007). Techno: Van Underground Cultuur Naar City Promotie? Agora: Tijdschrift Voor Sociaal-Ruimtelijke Vraagstukken, 23(1), 30-33. Download PDF

Dikkers, J., Geurts, S., Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. & Kompier, M. (2004). Relations among work-home culture, the utilization of work-home arrangements, and work-home interference. International Journal of Stress Management, 11(4), 323-345. Download PDF

Spierings, F., Peper, A. & Altena, V. van (2004). Gedeelde Normen, Onuitgesproken Verwachtingen: Over Binding in Hechte Buurtgemeenschappen. Sociale Wetenschappen, 47(2), 49-66.

Dulk, L. den, Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Peper, A. (2003). Arbeid en zorg in Europees perpectief: Arbeidspatronen van werkende ouders. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 19(1), 69-82. Download PDF

Hogenhuis, S., Pruijt, A. & Peper, A. (2002). Ruzie op school. Introductie Peermediation in Rotterdam. Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht, 2(3), 29-38. Download PDF

Peper, A., Spierings, F., Meere, F. de & Jong, W.. de (2002). Moderne Buren en Hun ruzies. Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht, 2(2), 32-43. Download PDF

Spierings, F. & Peper, A. (2002). Effects of Voluntary Mediation in the Neighbourhood. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 18(2), 1-28. Download PDF

Peper, A. & Hogenhuis, S. (2000). Beter een goede buur.. Effecten van Bemiddeling bij Burenruzies. Recht der Werkelijkheid – Cahiers d’Anthropologie du Droit, 21, xx-xx.

Peper, A. & Spierings, F.C.P.P. (2000). Buurtbemiddeling als Panacee? Reflectie op de praktijk. Justitiele Verkenningen, 26(9), 41-53. Download PDF

Spierings, F.C.P.P. & Peper, A. (2000). Markt van Buurtbemiddeling en Geluk. Ontwikkeling, 5(12), 3-5.

Peper, B. & Spierings, F. (1999). Settling Disputes between Neighbours in the Lifeworld: An Evaluation of Experiments with Community Mediation in the Netherlands. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 483-507. Download PDF 

Peper, A. (1996). How to rage against the dying of the light? A critique of Ritzer’s McDonaldization thesis. Sociale Wetenschappen, 39(4), 59-73. Download PDF

Peper, A. & Steijn, A.J. (1996). McIntro. Sociale Wetenschappen, 39(4), 1-2.

Books/edited books

Macionis, J., Peper, A. & Leun, J. van der (2024). De samenleving. Kennismaking met de sociologie (15e editie). Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux. LINK to publisher

Macionis, J., Peper, A. & Leun, J. van der (2019). De samenleving. Kennismaking met de sociologie (14e editie). Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux.

Macionis, J., Peper, A. & Leun, J. van der (2014). De samenleving. Kennismaking met de sociologie (12e editie). Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux. LINK to publisher

Koch, M, McMillan, L. & Peper, A. (Eds.). (2011). Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation. Gender, Ethnicity and Inequality in Europe. Surrey: Ashgate. LINK to publisher

Macionis, J., Peper, A. & Leun, J. van der (2010). De samenleving. Kennismaking met de sociologie (9e editie). Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux.

Peper, A., Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Dulk, L. den (Eds.). (2005). Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar. LINK to publisher

Spierings, F., Peper, A., Pieterman, H., Karyotis, S. & Zijderveld, A.C. (Eds.). (2003). Buurt en stad: Liber amicorum voor Wiebe de Jong. Rotterdam: Sambabal. Download PDF

Peper, A., Spierings, F.C.P.P., Jong, W. de, Blad, J.R., Hogenhuis, C.F.H.M. & Altena, V.D. van (1999). Bemiddelen bij conflicten tussen buren. Delft: Eburon. LINK to publisher

Peper, A. (1998). Sociale Problemen en de Moderne Samenleving. Een Cultuursociologische Beschouwing. Amsterdam: Spinhuis (proefschrift). LINK to Google Books

Peper, A. & Spierings, F.C.P.P. (1997). Buurtbemiddeling voor de buurt door de buurt. Capelle a/d IJssel: Labyrint Publication.

Book chapters

Den Dulk, L., Gorgievski, M., & Peper, B. (2021). Future challenges related to work pressure. In B. Steijn, & E. Knies (Eds.), Research handbook on HRM in the public sector (pp. 323-336). Edgar Elger Publishing Ltd.

Achterberg, P. & Peper, B. (2019) Dan wordt geluk weer heel gewoon. Nostalgie, onzekerheid en het verlangen naar verandering. In: Fabian Dekker, Marcel Ham & Jelle van der Meer (eds), Nieuwe zekerheden in onzekere tijden. Over werk, onderwijs en politiek. Soest: BoekXpress, pp. 61-78. Download PDF

Peper, B. & Dekker, F. (2019). Tijdsdruk en Burnout. In: Dekker, F. (2019). Theorie en Praktijk van Arbeid. Amsterdam: Boom. Download PDF

Yerkes, M.A. & Peper, A. (2018). Welfare States and the Life Course.In B. Greve (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State. 2nd Edition. Routledge.

Dulk, L. den, Yerkes, M.A. & Peper, A. (2018). Work-family policies within the workplace. In: Eydal, G.B. & Rostgaard, T. (2018). Handbook of child and family policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den, Annink, A., & Peper, A. (2017). Self-employment in times of economic crisis: Work life Challenges. In: Lewis, S., Anderson, D., Lyonette, C., Payne, N. & Wood, S. (2017). Work-Life Balance in Times of Austerity and Beyond. Meeting the Needs of Employees, Organizations and Social Justice. Routledge. (pp. 131-148). Download PDF

Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2016). The impact of national policy on work-family experiences. In: Allen, T.D.& Eby, L.T. (2016). Oxford Handbook of Work and Family. Oxford Press. (pp.300-314).  Download PDF

Dulk, L. den, Groeneveld, S. & Peper, B. (2014). Workplace worklife balance support from a capabilities perspective. In: Hobson, B. (Ed.). Work Life Balance. The Agency and Capabilities Gap. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Download PDF

Peper, B., Dulk, L. den, Cernigoj Sadar, N., Lewis, S.,  Smithson, J. & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2014). Capabilities for worklife balance: managerial attitudes and employee practices in the Dutch, British, and Slovenian banking sector. In: Hobson, B. (Ed.). Work Life Balance. The Agency and Capabilities Gap. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Link to publisher

Smithson, J., Lewis, S., Kovacheva, S., Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2012). Supports and contraints for parents: a gendered cross-national perspective. In A. Nilsen, J. Brannen & S. Lewis (Eds.), Transitions to parenthood in Europe: A comparative life course perspective (pp. 89-105). Policy Press. Download PDF

Yerkes, M.A., Peper, A. & Baxter, J. (2012). Welfare State and the Life Course. In B. Greve (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State. Routledge. Download PDF

Koch, M, McMillan, L. & Peper, A. (2011). Diversity, Standardization and the Perspective of Social Transformation. In M Koch, L McMillan & A. Peper (Eds.), Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation. Gender, Ethnicity and Inequality in Europe. Surrey: Ashgate. Download PDF.

Koch, M, McMillan, L. & Peper, A. (2011). Introduction: Contextualising, Researching and Debating Patterns of Standardization and Diversity. In M. Koch, L. McMillan & A. Peper (Eds.), Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation. Gender, Ethnicity and Inequality in Europe. Surrey: Ashgate. Download PDF

Peper, A., Hoeven, C.L. ter & Dikkers, J. (2011). Work-life integration among consultants: Work-related and personal factors associated with sickness absence. In IPOB (Ed.), The future of knowledge-intensive service work. Theory and practice of managing human and organizational resources. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag. Download PDF

Yerkes, M.A. & Peper, A. (2011). The Care Risk in Europe: Diversification and Gender Inequality. In M. Koch, L. McMillan & A. Peper (Eds.), Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation. Gender, Ethnicity and Inequality in Europe (pp. 195-212). Surrey: Ashgate. Download PDF

Peper, A., Dikkers, J.S.E., Engen, M.L. van & Vinkenburg, C.J. (2010). Causes and consequences of the utilization of work-life policies by professionals: “unconditional supervisor support required”. In S. Kaiser, M. Ringlstetter, M. Pina e Cunha & D.R. Eikhof (Eds.), Creating balance? International perspectives on the work-life integration of professionals (pp. 225-250). Berlin: Springer. Download PDF

Hoeven, C.L. ter, Jong, M.D.T. de, Haar, J. & Peper, A. (2009). Bridging the Stress, The Withdrawal and the Medical Model of Absence: The Mediating Role of Somatic Tension. In C.L. ter Hoeven (Ed.), Sick Notes. Multiple Life Domains Associated withSickness-Related Absence (Proefschrift) (pp. 55-73). Enschede: Universiteit Twente.

Hoeven, C.L. ter, Jong, M.D.T. de, Peters, O. & Peper, A. (2009). Employees’ Sickness Absence Associated With Health and Work-Related Resources and Demands. In C.L. ter Hoeven (Ed.), Sick Notes. Multiple Life Domains Associated With Sickness-Related Absence (Proefschrift) (pp. 29-51). Enschede: Universiteit Twente.

Hoeven, C.L. ter, Brummelhuis, L.L. ten, Jong, M.D.T. de & Peper, A. (2009). Sickness Absence: Domestic Demands and Resources. In Sick Notes. Multiple Life Domains Associated with Sickness-Related Absence (Proefschrift) (pp. 77-94). Enschede: Universiteit Twente.

Peper, A., Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2009). Work-family policies in a contradictory culture: a Dutch financial sector corporation. In S. Lewis, J. Brannen & A. Nilsen (Eds.), Work, families and organisations in transition. European perspectives (pp. 113-128). Bristol: Policy Press. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2006). Werk/prive-beleid binnen arbeidsorganisaties: op weg naar een win-win situatie? In L. den Dulk, T. van der Lippe & J. Schippers (Eds.), Emancipatie als Kwestie. Liber Amicorum voor Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes rond het thema Vrouwen en Beroepsparticipatie (pp. 7-124). Amsterdam: Dutch university Press.Download PDF

Peper, A. & Spierings, F. (2006). Effetti della mediazione volontaria di quartire: l’esperienza olandese. In L. Luison (Ed.), La mediazione come strumento di intervento sociale: problemi e prospettive internazionali (pp. 156-183). Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Dikkers, J. S. E., Dulk, L. d., Geurts, S. A. E., & Peper, B. (2005). Work-nonwork culture, utilization of work-nonwork arrangements, and employee-related outcomes in two Dutch organizations. In S. Y. A. Poelmans (Ed.), Work and family : An international research perspective (pp. 147-172): Lawrence Erlbaum.

Doorne-Huiskes, J. van, Peper, A. & Dulk, L. den (2005). Flexible work and organisational change from a European perspective: Challenges for future research. In A. Peper, J. van Doorne-Huiskes & L. den Dulk (Eds.), Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life (pp. 312-328). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.

Doorne-Huiskes, J. van, Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2005). Introduction. In J. van Doorne-Huiskes, L. den Dulk & A. Peper (Eds.), Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life (pp. 3-12). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.

Doorne-Huiskes, J. van, Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2005). Organisational Change, Gender and Integration of Work and Life. In A. Peper, J. van Doorne-Huiskes & L. den Dulk (Eds.), Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life (pp. 39-61). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (2005). Work and Family Life in Europe: Employment Patterns of Working Parents Across Welfare States. In A. Peper, J. van Doorne-Huiskes & L. den Dulk (Eds.), Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life (pp. 13-38). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den, Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Peper, A. (2004). Epilogue. In L. den Dulk, B. Peper & J. Doorne-Huiskes (Eds.), Literature review: Consolidated Report for the EU Framework 5 study ‘Gender, Parenthood and the Changing European Workplace (pp. 229-231). Manchester: Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester. Download PDF

Dulk, L. den, Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Peper, A. (2004). Introduction. In L. den Dulk, B. Peper & A. van Doorne-Huiskes (Eds.), Literature review: Consolidated Report for the EU Framework 5 study ‘Gender, Parenthood and the Changing European Workplace (pp. 9-31). Manchester: Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester.Download PDF

Dulk, L. den, Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Peper, A. (2004). The Netherlands. In L. den Dulk, B. Peper & J. van Doorne-Huiskes (Eds.), Literature review: Consolidated Report for the EU Framework 5 study ‘Gender, Parenthood and the Changing European Workplace (pp. 59-86). Manchester: Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester. Download PDF

Altena, V., Spierings, F. & Peper, A. (2003). Binding in hechte buurtgemeenschappen. In F. Spierings, B. Peper, R. Pieterman & S. Karyotis (Eds.), Buurt en stad: Liber amicorum voor Wiebe de Jong (pp. 75-96). Rotterdam: Sambabal.

Peper, A. & Spierings, F.C.P.P. (2001). Is er zoiets als een Burenmoraal? In H. Boutellier, H. Kunneman & J. Leest (Eds.), De Straf voorbij. Morele Praktijken rondom het Strafrecht (pp. 105-111). Amsterdam: SWP.

Peper, A. & Hogenhuis, C.F.H.M. (2000). Beter een goede buur… Effecten van bemiddeling bij burenruzies. In M.L.M. Hertogh & L.E. de Groot-van Leeuwen (Eds.), Na de uitspraak. Gevolgen van geschillenbeslechting (pp. 15-32). ‘s-Gravenhage: Elsevier bedrijfsinformatie.

Book reviews

Peper, B. (2021). Boekbespreking van Frank van Tubergen (2020). Introduction to Sociology. London: Routledge. Verschenen in: Mens & Maatschappij (2021), Volume 96, nummer 1, pp. 115-117. Download PDF

Peper, B. (2014). Boekbespreking van Edith de Meester en Saskia Keuzenkamp. Verlof vragen: de behoefte aan en het gebruik van verlofregelingen. Den Haag, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP-publicatie 2011/38), november 2011, Mens & Maatschappij, Volume 89, Number 3, September 2014, pp. 337-339. Download PDF

Peper, B. (2003). Een systematische analyse van burenruzies over geluid (recensie van Mirjan Oude-Vrielink, Geschilprocessen over geluidshinder van buren. Recht der Werkelijkheid, jrg 24/1. Download PDF

Peper, B. (2001). Buurtbemiddeling in het Hart van London. boekbespreking van Mulcahy, Linda, & Summerfield, Lee. (2001). Keeping It in the Community. An Evaluation of the Use of Mediation in Disputes Between Neighbours. Norwich: The Stationery Office. In:Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht (1), nummer 3: pp 63-64. Download PDF

Peper, B. (2000). Aankondiging van: B. Peper, F. Spierings, W. de Jong, J. Blad, S. Hogenhuis & V. van Altena, Bemiddelen bij conflicten tussen buren. Tijdschrift voor Mediation, 4(1), 26.

Peper, B. (1995). The Politics of Social Research. London:Sage door Martyn Hemmersley. Boekbespreking in Sociale Wetenschappen, vol. 38, nr. 3. Download PDF

Peper, B. (1994). Het speelveld en de spelregels: een inleiding tot de sociologie door J. Vranken en E. Henderickx : boekbespreking in Tijdschrift voor sociologie, vol 15, nr. 1.Download PDF

Peper, B. & Witte, M.C. de (1994). The McDonaldization of society : an investigation into the changing character of contemporary social life door G. Ritzer: boekbespreking in Sociale Wetenschappen, vol. 37, nr 2. Download PDF

Peper, B. (not published). Boekbespreking van Mestrovic, Stjepan G., The Coming Fin de Siècle. An Applica­tion of Durk­heim’s Sociolo­gy to Modernity and Postmoder­nism. Lon­don/New York: Routled­ge, 1992. Download PDF

Other work

Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. Nauta, F. & Dekker, F. (2017). Dealing with Work Pressure at EUR. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam, November 2017.

Peper, B. & Phlippen, S. (2003). Changes in the Work-Family Field in the Netherlands 1945-2003. Unpublished paper. This timeline was prepared as part of a larger, ongoing project funded by the Ford Foundation, entitled “Looking Backwards to go Forward” which explores work-personal life integration in 6 countries – USA, UK, Holland, Norway, India and Japan. Project leader Rhona Rapoport. Download PDF